Luciwedges™ Classic

Accessory Products

Light-Reflecting Interdental Wedges

Luciwedges Classic are suitable for composite fillings 
Luciwedges Classic interdental wedges have a transparent design to facilitate visibility in the operation field, reducing the risk of gingival trauma.
Luciwedges Classic are available in different sizes for different proximal section shapes.

Features and benefits:

  • The interdental wedges’ stiffness ensures a high separation capability. 
  • Adaptable to all kind of interproximal geometrics: low risk of gingival trauma
  • Reduced marginal gaps thanks to effective curing light reflection in combination with transparent matrices
  • The curved tip facilitates the positioning of the wedge.
  • Transparent gripping block is made of hard plastic for easy removal of the wedge

Use of Luciwedge with matrix prevents enamel fracturing and marginal splitting at the cervix. Induces a significantly better marginal restoration quality in that part of the restoration which is most susceptible to secondary caries.