Take 1™ Advanced™

Impression Materials

VPS Impression Material

Take 1™ Advanced™ VPS impression material combines Kerr’s expertise in developing high-performance impression materials with recent technological advancements. Take 1™ Advanced™ is first system of VPS materials with an optimum combination of physical properties: strength, elasticity, dimensional stability and the ability to register detail in any environment.

Take 1™ Advanced™ provides the widest selection of setting times, delivery systems and consistencies for the perfect combination of mechanical properties in a material that feels like it was designed for your own technique preference, making it unnecessary to use various product lines to suit individual needs.

Standing apart from ordinary impression materials that focus on a single attribute, the unique chemistry of Take 1™ Advanced™ delivers complementary features that enhance overall performance.

  • Outstanding tear strength and elongation.
  • Strong, flexible material stretches around undercuts without tearing or distorting.
  • Hydrophilic wash material.
  • Displaces intraoral fluids to produce impressions with great detail and without voids or gaps.
  • Excellent dimensional stability.
  • Impressions will not distort due to dimensional change or temporary deformation.
  • Widest selection of viscosities, set times and delivery methods.
  • Helps to overcome common difficulties in impression taking and complements the clinician’s technique preference.


Troubleshooting Guide


Evidence Cause Solution

Premature Set


  • Abrupt change from heavy to light-body material
  • Muted detail around margin
  • Set time of wash/tray material not synched
  • Exceeded working time of material
  • Begin mix of heavy and light viscosity concurrently
  • Verify set times for heavy and light viscosities match
  • Observe working time of materials

Deformation/Dimensional Change


  • Crowns too tall/short
  • Open contacts
  • Crown will not seat
  • Insufficient mix of material
  • Impression removed too early
  • Tray movement after seating
  • Insufficient material elasticity
  • Fluid absorption during disinfection process
  • Verify material is adequately mixed before seating and completely set prior to removal
  • Use passive force to maintain tray position when using open-bite technique
  • Verify no tooth contact with tray sides or impingement in closed-bite technique
  • Choose material with adequate elasticity
  • Follow disinfection protocol carefully

Tearing at Margin


  • Visible tears at margin
  • Lack of flash extending apically around entire preparation
  • Material has insufficient tear strength
  • Presence of severe undercuts
  • Insufficient sulcular expansion
  • Use material with adequate tear strength
  • Consider blocking out undercuts, especially in cases with gingival recession
  • Ensure at least .5 mm sulcular expansion

Surface Inhibition or “Non-set”


  • Unset or mottled surface around preparation
  • Lack of detail
  • Shiny/wet appearance
  • Contamination due to latex gloves; direct contact with material or residue left on teeth
  • Contamination due to temporary materials or composite
  • Expired material or exceeded material shelf life
  • Use latex-free gloves when handling VPS material
  • Rinse preparation area thoroughly after using other restorative materials
  • Use automated mixing device to minimize exposure to contaminants
  • Do not use expired material

Poor model detail


  • Small bubbles/indentations in cast
  • Powdery cusps
  • Release of hydrogen gas from VPS impression after pouring cast
  • Tooth contact with mesh lining of closed-bite impression tray
  • Follow manufacturer instructions regarding any delays for pouring models after taking impression
  • Place cotton roll on contra-lateral side when using closed-bite trays to prevent direct tooth contact with tray; this prevents water from leaching through tray after cast has been poured

Voids in wash material


  • Visible voids in wash material around tooth preparation
  • Bubbles incorporated into material during mixing or loading syringe
  • Bubbles incorporated while syringing material intraorally
  • Use automix systems
  • Syringe material intraorally in continuous stream around each preparation; do not lift syringe tip from material

Insufficient or excessive compression


  • Insufficient: wash material flows away from preparation area
  • Excessive: wash material displaced from preparation area; “burn through”
• Insufficient compression of wash material from adjacent tooth/tray or heavy-body material
• Excessive compression of wash material due to high viscosity of tray material
  • Use tray viscosity material with greater compressive force, or use custom tray
  • Use tray material with lower viscosity to avoid displacing wash material

Incomplete margin


  • Voids or “jumps” on margin
  • Inadequate tissue management
  • Contamination from intraoral fluids
  • Insufficient compression of wash material
  • Use Expasyl™ retraction paste to open sulcus and help maintain dry field
  • Use hydrophilic wash material
  • Select tray viscosity with adequate compression

Tooth contact with trayimpression_illo10-100x100

  • Visible impingement
  • Incorrect size tray
  • Tray seating not aligned with dentition
  • Verify tray has enough room for 2 mm of impression material between tooth and tray walls


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TF Twisted Files
Document Type: Product Brochure
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Monday, July 27, 2015 - 01:07
File size: 
Take 1 Advanced - Medium Tray and Cartridge Base and Catalyst - AU
Document Type: Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 01:07
File size: 
Take 1 Advanced Bite Registration Base and Catalyst - AU
Document Type: Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Friday, February 1, 2019 - 01:02
File size: 
Take 1 Advanced Light Body Wash Base and Catalyst - AU
Document Type: Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 01:02
File size: 
Take 1 Advanced Regular Body Wash Base and Catalyst Paste - AU
Document Type: Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 - 01:06
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Take 1 Advanced Rigid Tray Base and Catalyst (AU) SDS
Document Type: Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 01:04
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Document Type: Technique Card
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Monday, February 27, 2023 - 01:02
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