Problem Solving Essentials in Endodontics
This presentation will focus on endodontic troubleshooting modalities for the general dentists in their day-to-day practice. A simplified approach from endodontic diagnosis to the clinical essentials of access preparation, cleaning & shaping and obturation procedures will be addressed. Participants will learn advanced NiTi rotary-reciprocation instrumentation, predictable irrigation protocols using Apical Negative Pressure, and warm vertical obturation using the Continuous Wave Technique. Other topics will include endodontic-periodontal differential diagnosis and treatment plan, prevention of coronal and root perforations, locating MB2 canals, negotiating calcified & curve canals and understanding apical gauging. This exciting multi-media program highlights solutions and suggestions on how to treat straightforward and complex endodontic cases. This hands-on workshop utilizes 3D printed teeth and is designed to enhance the clinician's practical skills.
• Learn troubleshooting tips for apex locators
• Assess protocols in creation of a glide path
• Learn simplified gutta percha fitting protocol
• Learn bioceramic sealer-based single-cone technique
Items to bring:
• Loupes with light source