Microseal Condensers

Fill / Obturation

The engine-driven nickel-titanium condensers utilize a reverse-helix design that simultaneously introduces and condenses gutta percha into the intricacies of the canal system.

Microseal Condensers

815-7101Condensor 25/.02 21mm
815-7102Condensor 30/.02 21mm
815-7103Condensor 35/.02 21mm
815-7104Condensor 60/.02 21mm
815-7501Condensor 25/.02 25mm
815-7502Condensor 30/.02 25mm
815-7503Condensor 35/.02 25mm
815-7504Condensor 60/.02 25mm

Pacmac Condensers

815-7131PacMac 25/.04 21mm
815-7132PacMac 45/.04 21mm
815-7133PacMac 55/.04 21mm
815-7221PacMac Asst. 21mm
815-7225PacMac Asst. 25mm
815-7531PacMac 25/.04 25mm
815-7532PacMac 45/.04 25mm
815-7533PacMac 55/.04 25mm


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Kerr Endodontics - Product Catalog
Document Type: Product Brochure
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 03:01
File size: 