Our approach to recycling 


KerrTM  supports the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility. We aim to contribute to the efficient use of resources and the retrieval of valuable raw materials through re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery. We therefore actively cooperate with our industry partners, the recycling community and other stakeholders to further improve the collection, treatment and recycling of
Kerr / Ormco products at the end of their lifetime.


Recycling symbol




If you find the crossed-out wheeled bin on equipment that you have purchased from us or our business partners, please note that used equipment should not be discarded as unsorted waste but must be sent to separate collection facilities for recovery and recycling.
For details regarding collection and recycling facilities available in your region, please refer to the below info.

Please refer to the below tables for registration and recycling details in different countries :


Collection and treatment of EEE

Country WEEE registration number Compliance scheme Compliance scheme – contact details
UK WEE/MM7983AA WEEECare Waste Management & Waste Disposal services – WasteCare
Germany DE 54913847 EARN Home | EARN (earn-service.com)
France A14425 Ecologic DEEE Ecologic eco-organisme agréé pour le recyclage (ecologic-france.com)
Spain 12139 EcoAsimelec Tragamóvil y Ecoasimelec (tragamovil.es)
Portugal PT102182 Electrao Electrão | Confiar para reciclar (electrao.pt)
Sweden N/A El-Kretsen https://www.el-kretsen.se/
Denmark 12687648 El-Retur https://elretur.dk/
Norway 984588267 RENAS https://renas.no/
Netherlands 31041706 Stichting Open https://www.stichting-open.org/en/
Belgium 953323 Recupel https://www.recupel.be/en
Italy IT 20110000012636 ERP Italy https://erp-recycling.org/en-it/
Czech Republic 05563/19-ECZ Asekol https://en.asekol.cz/
Slovakia RV22EEZ0000344 SEWA https://www.sewa.sk/en
Estonia PRO230063 EES Ringlus https://eesringlus.ee/en



Collection and treatment of Battery

Country Battery registration number Compliance scheme Compliance scheme – contact details
UK BPRN10568 NPWD https://npwd.environment-agency.gov.uk/
Germany DE 32455215 GRS/td> https://www.grs-batterien.de/
France UIN FR343670_06SYFC Screlec https://www.screlec.fr/
Spain3963   EcoAsimilec https://www.ecopilas.es/en/home/
Portugal PT06002499 Electrao https://www.electrao.pt/
Sweden N/A El-Kretsen https://www.el-kretsen.se/
Denmark 12687648 El-Retur https://elretur.dk/
Norway 984588267 RENAS https://renas.no/
Netherlands 41890 Stibat https://www.stichting-open.org/en/
Belgium 489183 BeBat Bebat | Recycling together
Italy IT 20110000012636 ERP Italy https://erp-recycling.org/en-it/
Czech Republic 05563/19-ECZ Asekol https://en.asekol.cz/



Collection and treatment of packaging

Country Packaging registration number Compliance scheme Compliance scheme – contact details
Germany DE2637805868534 Lizenzero https://www.grs-batterien.de/
Sweden 556626182 NPA Towards future producer responsibility - NPA
Norway 300455 Gront Punkt Norge https://renas.no/
Belgium 1101194318 Val-I-Pac https://www.valipac.be/
Italy 12935296 Conai https://www.conai.org/en/
Czech Republic F06021530 EkoKom https://www.ekokom.cz/en/


Information for customers / business end-users


For disposal of waste, please contact the local compliance scheme in your country per the above info.

Business end-users who would like to make use of the provided service for waste disposal shall be aware that:

  •  KerrTM will sustain the cost of treatment, recovery or recycling of EEE, Battery and Packaging, if the products are purchased from Kerr / Ormco sales entities and or authorized Kerr country specific business partners
  •  KerrTM will sustain the cost of data management and reporting in order to demonstrate compliance with applicable national regulations 
  •  The customer will sustain the cost of transportation to the agreed disposal / recycler in the region as indicated above.


Information for recyclers / treatment facilities


As part of compliance with the relevant EU regulations, KerrTM provides recycling information on request for all types of new equipment put on the market in EU after, 2013.

Please contact the customer service in the respective country and provide the following details for the product for which you would like to receive specific recycling information.

  •  Product/model number
  •  Invoice Number
  •  Your company name
  •  Contact name
  •  Address
  •  Telephone number
  •  E-mail


*The present information is intended for Kerr business end-users, i.e. health care professionals. Distribution to other recipient(s) is therefore prohibited.*